Newsletter 2 D4M

Newsletter 1 D4M

DigitALL4Migrants: the European project to bridge the gap in digital skills for migrants and refugees.

The project DigitALL4Migrants came to an end with the final production of free and open tools whose aim is to bridge the gap between already existing tools and migrants, asylum seekers and refugees by producing innovative and realistic outputs that could foster their inclusion process in the host countries. The outputs of the project would like to be a concrete support in a world where digital skills are more and more required and where vulnerable groups such as migrants, asylum seekers and refugees face the high risk of exclusion from the digital transformation because of fewer opportunities for developing digital skills.  After a first researching phase, the partnership composed by Kista folkhögskola (Sweden), Consorzio di Cooperative l’Arcolaio (Itay) and Progestión (Spain) developed a methodology based on Max Neef’s human needs theory to detect the most urgent needs related to the accessibility of digital tools among those who face problems in using them.

Fundamental element was the involvement of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees during the main phases of the project, thanks to activities such as questionnaires and pilot testing. As a consequence of the research phase in the different countries where the project developed (Sweden, Italy and Spain), all partner organisations detected a common digital service where people faced more difficulties: the digital identity.

Kista folkhögskola, Consorzio di Cooperative l’Arcolaio and Progestión, created animated videos and tutorials where the main indications about the topic were provided (e.g., how to obtain the digital identity, how and where to use it etc.). Each content was adapted according to the specific in-country contexts and the different procedures required to obtain and use the digital ID.

The common ground consisted of a general video and more detailed presentations translated in English and in the national language and available both to be downloaded or to be watched as animated presentations. To make them inclusive and accessible to the largest number of people, all tools are provided with voiceovers and subtitles.

The other detected topics were different according to the partner’s countries: Kista folkhögskola provided tools that could support people with the creation and use of an e-mail address, an instrument that is now becoming a must in people’s lives while Progestión produced a video and presentation with specific instructions regarding the Employment History Record. Consorzio di Cooperative l’Arcolaio, worked on two different topics: the enrolment of kids at school and the school register, creating videos and presentations to support migrants, asylum seekers and refugees when dealing with these topics.

These tools are thought to be self-used by people but are also intended to equip professionals working in the field of migration enabling them to support migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in daily life duties and through their integration path.

All the tools are free and open and are available on this website.